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Praying With The Gospel of Spring

May 1 always makes me think of spring even more than the spring equinox.  It is when the birds are singing, the grass is greener, and the plants begin to really flower.  Our prayer today starts with an adult prayer, using gospel readings, meditations, and reflections. Then a children’s prayer and activity follow.

Below are 3 texts from the gospel of John that portray the return of spring.

1.  Read and meditate on John 11:1-44
Lazarus, like an opening bud, comes out of the tomb.  He is still bound but is received back into the hands of the artists in the assembly.  Gently they unbind him and set him free.  Leaving death behind, he steps back into life.
Spend time reflecting on a moment when you stepped out of the tomb of death and into the womb of life.

2. Read and meditate on John 20:10-18
Mary, weeping at the tomb, is experiencing the terrible darkness of the death of Jesus.  She has not yet seen the hope that stands waiting in the garden.  Then suddenly Jesus calls her by name and her winter leaps into spring.
Recall a time when your name spoken was a gift of life.  Who was it that spoke your name?

3. Read and meditate on John 5:1-9
A nameless man is lying by the pool.  Thirty-eight years is an exceedingly long winter.  The gospel of spring was far away until he heard the question that was also an invitation: Do you want to be healed? Would you like to arise from your bondage and be set free?  Take up your mat and go home. 
And what about you?  What is the mat of bondage that prevents you from leaping into life of greater quality?  What keeps you from leaping out of winter into spring?  

Children’s Prayer

You will need a pitcher of water, a bowl, a seed, and soil in a cup. In the Bible, the love and power of God is often described as water.  I will pour water onto the thirsty land. (Isaiah 44:3) Water can be really refreshing when we are thirsty, and it helps things grow.  God wants all to be refreshed by Him, and to grow well.  Take your pitcher of water and as you pour the water into the bowl pray: As we pour this water, may all the people at home, in our church, and in our community be filled with the spirit of God. Refresh all of us with new life and a new love for You.  Amen.

In order to grow to be strong and healthy, seeds need good soil, feeding, and watering. In the same way we need comfort and love in order to develop into the people God made us to be. Now take your seed, if you have one, and recite this prayer: Little seed, you are seemingly asleep and lifeless, but appearances are false, for you hold an immense surprise.  You hold life!  Within you are whiskered roots, thick green stems, and dancing leaves.  All you need is a gentle hand to place you in the soil, the dazzling sun to smile on you with warmth, and the moist fingers of spring clouds to awaken you with raindrops.
Now plant your seed, water it, place it in the sun, and watch it grow. 

“Blessing of a Seed.” The Circle of Life, by Joyce Rupp and Macrina Wiederkehr, Sorbin Books, 2005, p. 106.
“Praying with the Gospel of Spring.” The Circle of Life, by Joyce Rupp and Macrina Wiederkehr, Sorbin Books, 2005, pp. 78–79.
Workshop: Creative Prayer with children Daniel Jones Youth & Children’s Adviser Diocese of Bristol Thanks to: Jane Whitcombe Children’s Adviser for the Diocese of Bath & Wells


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