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Ave Maria by Hauser

When my daughter was engaged to be married, I took voice lessons so that I could sing the Ava Maria at her wedding in Italy. While th at did not happen (long story, lol), one of my very favorite songs of all time is the Ava Maria. May you experience a moment of Heaven listening to it now, featuring  the famous cellist, Hauser.
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Meeting the Good Shepherd Through Your Child

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Walking with Psalms

"The heaven's declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands." Psalm 19:1 Whether your family includes you and your spouse, young or young adult children, or just you and a fur child, getting outside to enjoy creation is a wonderful activity to do as a family! You may never have noticed this, but the Psalms are filled with verses that give praise and thanks for creation! Next time you are out for a walk, hike, bike ride or run try using the Psalms to make it a holy experience! You can use these steps! 1.  Find a Psalm, or pick from the below list: 2. During your walk or other activity, reflect upon the following: Amen!
Prayer Doodles     How to Pray:                                               1. Write a name for God, the name of someone you             are praying for, or words from a scripture verse.                                 2.  Draw a shape around it and begin to doodle.                                3.     Pray as you draw.  Ask God to be part of this                 prayer time.                                4.   Keep drawing as you release these prayers to God.      ...

Earth Day Prayer Ideas

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